Sunday, December 14, 2008


Golden, Colorado

Ahhhh, the ticks are dead and the mosquito bites itch no more. It's amazing what a shower and a clean bed can do for a guy. By the way, that crap view above is taken at the top of the climb on the Matthew Winters Trail.

I almost puked several times on the way up... Here I am below, pretending it doesn't hurt.

What do you mean smile? I am smiling... god I'm out of shape.

This one is taken a couple of feet down the trail just before the fun.

One of the most fun trails I've ridden in a long time. It rolled along for a while longer, heading up and down, before it shot strait down for more than a mile with a really tech line. There were huge boulders everywhere. So much fun.

Then the trail crossed over and came back up the other side of the road. There was another steep climb followed by a long, but this time flowy, wide open decent. The kind of wide open, not too steep, completely run out of gear decent that gets you going so fast your eyes water.

Didn't take too many pics because it was just to much fun to stop and take out the camera... except for on the climbs that is:

How much further is it anyway?

You mean we have to go all the way up there?

Sounds like a good time to stop and take a picture then... Here I am!

There is one other shot I wish I would have gotten.

One of the few switch backs on the trail back down to the parking lot had a flat faced, upright boulder about 6ft tall and 8ft wide sitting right in the apex of the corner,
with just a hint of slant to it. The line into the corner was absolutely perfectly set up to throw in a little bunny hop and ride this rock wall. The exit to the wall was a smooth little bermy thing. The move absolutely rocked my socks off.

Unfortunately no one was there, waiting with camera in hand, to get a picture of it. And I wasn't about to stop and ruin the flow. Oh well, I guess I've got a reason to make a trip back there some day.

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